Are you up for a Challenge
I've signed up for a thirty paintings in thirty day challenge.
Day one was easy as it's New Years day and I had nowhere to go :) oh yeah HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe its 2017, life certainly is flying by. My first painting of the new year is a landscape. Yesterday the fresh snow fall looked so pretty, my husband and I jumped in our new SUV and hit the road looking for artistic inspiration. We like to get lost, you never know what you'll find when you'll find when you get lost. Sometimes you can even find yourself ;)
We had a nice afternoon together. We saw some beautiful scenery and were very happy that the new car made it easily thru the snow drifts that covered the back roads.
I give you 1/30 a watercolor simply titled "Upstate Landscape".

See Ya'll tomorrow for day 2. Thanks for looking as I paint my world. ~ Judy