Self Absorbed
Self absorbed?! Who me? Well yes I'm going to be until the end of this challenge. I'm going to paint selfies. Ya'll are going to have to look at my mug for five more paintings ;)
It's interesting, I majored in Fashion Illustration at The New England School of Design, and with that major I minored in Figure drawing/painting. I loved painting the human body. I love drawing the face. I had it down, I was good if I may say so's been a loonnngggg time. I'm not as good as I use to be. I found it awkward and frustrating. I think some life drawing classes would cure me. There are some in Syracuse which I may venture into the night to take in Feb. and March. If you know me, you know that if I feel I can't do something well, I will attack it until I'm comfortable with it. Type A personality much ;) But really isn't that how one improves, if we didn't keep trying then we wouldn't grow. I want to grow, move forward and give everything I've got to this inherited talent. Feeding the art feeds the artist :)
Any how, enough of my rambling. Here's number 26/30 of Thirty Paintings in Thirty days

This one makes me giggle, I look like the cat that swallowed the canary lol. I took a photo in front of the deck doors to try and get some light. I hope nobody saw me I must have looked silly standing in the doorway smiling at myself ;)
I went ahead and painted number 27, some technical issues with this one, so I may re-paint it. The glasses are different size lenses, one of things you don't notice until you step back. doh :)

I'm calling this one "Tennis Sweater" I had a new sweater and really liked it, the sun came out that day, so I grabbed my sunglasses and went out into the chilly early Spring day and soaked up some rays. That always makes me smile, I love the sun :)

I feel these are still stiff, we'll see if I loosen up on the fifth one, hope so or ya'll are going to get a month of selfies from me ;)
Thanks for stopping by ~ Judy
"Paint your World, create some beauty and share the joy!"