Find Your Peace
Onto week two of Leslie's Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days challenge. I've been having an inner dialog of what to paint for week two. I want my work to have impact, some kind of importance. Don't we all want to make a difference somehow? Don't we all want to contribute & help people? I know that personally I have something in me that needs that...
I've been a little down this week. Not depressed, just sort of, in a funk. Could be the let down after the busy holidays, could be the winter blues? Could be all the negative news of late. I try very had to stay positive while there are situations that really aren't happy going on can be overwhelming if one allows it to be. At those times when I feel overwhelmed by negative actions beyond my control, I look for a way to find peace. Painting does that for I think for week two of the challenge I will look for and paint Peace.
Number eight is a spot that I go to often. Its a brook around the corner of my home on the Lane. Yesterday the sun came out after a snowfall and I just knew it was going to be beautiful there. The magenta shadows of the tree branches reflecting on the frozen snow covered stream were breathtaking. The crisp sky along with the quiet snow muffled air, is church like in it's ability to fill your heart. Shhh, it's there, breath it in... Find your peace any way you can in this crazy world... I painted.

"Find your Peace" - watercolor by JHLevins 2017
"Paint your World, create beauty & share the joy"

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate your taking the time to visit me in my little world on the Lane. ~ Judy