Heaven must be a Garden
I love flowers. I love being in a garden. It's simple, when I'm amongst nature I'm at peace, gardens are my church. Each home that my husband and I have owned, I have designed and added gardens. The crown I think was our Virginia home. We lived there for twelve years and I devoted much time to the landscape. It was a new house and an empty canvas for me. I amended soil, the red clay was thick enough to make dishes out of ;) I transferred perennials from Massachusetts, I started new plants under grow lights, I hand dug turf, I hauled mulch. I planted flowering trees and shrubs. I put in maple trees and birch trees as a nod to our New England roots. I searched for and found the perfect garden ornaments. I had clematis and climbing roses on an arbor, I had a woodland white shade garden, I had a culinary herb garden that I visited and cut herbs for our dinners. I had a giant catnip patch that my kits would nap in while I weeded. I grew mint for our traditional family mint tea, it was a favorite of many. I had tulips and grape hyacinth in the Spring, daisies and coneflowers in the summer, in Fall big fat mums would give a gorgeous show. We had blackberry and raspberry vines and a vegetable garden...I created my peace. I didn't get to finish before we moved. I've created four gardens and left three. I mourn my gardens, my self created places of peace. I think heaven must be a giant garden filled with every color where all are welcome and fat bumblbees greet you. Where the sun shines all the time and the air is sweet with the intoxicating scent of honeysuckle.
For peace week on the Lane, and number 12 of 30 in Leslie Saeta's online 30 Paintings in 30 Days, I give you Flowers. It's winter here so the best I can do is a vase next to my chair that I can dream about summer while I sip my coffee...coffee brings me peace too... a painting for another day ;)
"Paint your world, create some beauty and share the joy".
Thanks for stopping by ~ Judy
"Winter Floral" watercolor by JHLevins